Manage to try Canton-I. The taste is better than what i expected, we didn't order much of the food, from what i order and eat, is not bad. (After finished the dishes, super full already, can't order dessert.) Specially the bbq and roasted meat. Taste good. Added on some extra "cha siew" source... hmm, better. Feel little bit hungry already when i describing it. The price is, okay. Environment is nice but a little bit pack. =| From the distance of one table to the other, is too short. Luckily that time i went there is not so crowded.
p/s: Manage to get a shoe today. yeepee. That's all, continue buying, i'll be sleeping beside the road d.
p/s: Manage to get a shoe today. yeepee. That's all, continue buying, i'll be sleeping beside the road d.
p/s she really look prettier than before
p/s which 1.?
if I wish to be obvious... I certainly will be.
p/s intro you this movie "p/s I love you" I believe you like this kind of movie la.
nah .. juz curious u put p/s only ...
p/s i juz ask only
p/s got this movie mer..?
it's with me.. eee.. just not sure how to pass to you. nice ^^ I got no time for blogging T_T
ee p/s dun kedekut la.. pass it to me ~~
okay... you come down seremban, i bring you go play!
WOW, i want to follow too. Remember to give me a call. =]
erm.. last time i remember go there u throw me at cc only and i play ps2 with wei fu's bro.. admire wei fu's sis playing piano... yaya sure call u 1 sue ann i think u will plan much better besides cc XD
p/s i tot we planing go klang 1..?
hahah, I think my plan... can't guarantee, but i sure won't let my bro play piano for you. =D Klang's plan is infinite extending... hiaz!
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