Tuesday, February 12, 2008


what a nice nap... while i'm busy cleaning-__-''

taking pic at store room.

i'm the only one who finish whole bowl of pineapple cookies.favorite.

super duper hot. i mean the weather.

i wear nice nice with red high heal, but i really can't tahan the hot weather...
end up with house's tee.

"exploring" my shoe.

lembu boys. nonstop conversation and ever finish ideas.

Gong Hei Fatt Choi~
and the most important
healthy always. =]


sunny86 said...

halo sueann .sunny here~ remember bo ?
happy chinese new year, hopefully i am not late. All the best
P/S : you look slimmer than last time .
P/S 2: how come you got my multiply blog ?

Sueann said...

hahah, sure remember u la, where can i forget u.haha=] really looks slimmer? yeahhh, thanks~u gave me ur blog add last time.then i keep checking, but u didnt updated much =]

sunny86 said...

the multiply i just used to out picture. My blog is on blogspot.